Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs
IPLAN Process
Step 7 Tools: Develop a Community Health Plan
The Community Tool Box-- Chapter 8: Developing a Strategic Plan (University of Kansas)
  This chapter addresses Developing a Strategic Plan. Within the chapter seven sections including an overview of strategic planning or "VMOSA"; proclaiming your dream; creating objectives; developing successful strategies: planning to win; developing an action plan; obtaining feedback from constituents and identifying action steps in bringing about community and systems change. Each section includes examples, related topics, tools & checklists, and PowerPoints.
Overview of Strategic Planning: Tools for Strategic Planning in Non-profit or For-Profit Organizations (Free Management Library, Authenticity Consulting, LLC)
  This Free Management Library, sponsored by Authenticity Consulting, LLC provides an overview and many resources through different links including checklists for strategic planning, and general resources to create your own strategic plan. Website materials copyright 1997-2009.
Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders (TCC Group)
  This 12 page document regarding strategic planning was developed by the TCC Group, who for over two decades, has provided strategic planning, program development, evaluation and management consulting services to nonprofit organizations, foundations, corporate community involvement programs and government agencies. The document outlines the steps to creating a strategic plan and includes sections on the following: Strategic Planning: What It Is – and What It Isn’t, Components of an Effective Strategic Plan, Why Vision Matters, How Consultants Can Help and Resources for Strategic Planning . Published in 2002.
Strategic Planning: (Institute for Public Health Practice (IPHP), Iowa Association of Local Public Agencies (I-ALPHA))
  This course is part of a series of programs intended for public health administrators, and nurse administrators, who are relatively new in their positions (3 years or less), and who seek to enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to succeed. The course discusses Public Health’s scope of practice, the rationale for strategic planning in Public Health, the guiding principles of strategic planning, & the major questions that should be addressed during the strategic planning process.
SWOT Examples (Marketing Teacher)
  This website provides guided analysis and multiple examples of real corporations' SWOT analyses.
SMART Planner Documents (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)
  This website provides links to SMART Planning documents including a brief PowerPoint on SMART Planning, a SMART Planning template, and sample plans. Look for the “SMART Documents” section.
ENACT: Environmental Nutrition and Activity Community Strategies (Prevention Institute)
  This Website helps users learn how to improve child care, school, after-school, community, workplace, healthcare and government. You can now create a free account that tracks and saves your priorities and current status for each ENACT environment.
Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide)
  The Guide to Community Preventive Services is a free, web-based resource to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community. Systematic reviews are used to answer these questions: Which program and policy interventions have been proven effective?; Are there effective interventions that are right for my community?; What might effective interventions cost; what is the likely return on investment?
Evidence-Based Public Health Practice (ASTHO)
  This section of the ASTHO Web site highlights initiatives and research focused on increasing the evidence base supporting public health interventions. It is intended to assist policymakers utilize the best current evidence to make informed decisions about public health programs and interventions that promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability.
Tackling Health Inequities through Public Health Practice: A Handbook for Action (NACCHO)
  This document can be a reference tool in a training exercise or dialogue process, a sourcebook for case studies, or a supplement and background material to other works. Its design is not comprehensive, but instead seeks to inspire practitioners to imagine new possibilities and methodologies for “upstream” action to address the root causes of health inequities.
Children and Family Programs: Promising Practices Network/ Programs that Work (Rand Corp)
  The PPN site features summaries of programs and practices that are proven to improve outcomes for children. Its design is not comprehensive, but instead seeks to inspire practitioners to imagine new possibilities and methodologies for "upstream" action to address the root causes of health inequities. All programs have been screened for quality and to ensure that they have evidence of positive effects.
The Activation Point: Smart Strategies to Make People Act (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
  This 56 page report builds on the Smart Chart and focuses specifically on strategies for mobilizing concerned people to supportive action by identifying and leveraging their activation points. They focused on studying issues that had high public support—as demonstrated through public opinion polls—but didn’t have the action to back up that support.
Developing Public Health Programs PH 443 (Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center)
  This course was created by the Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center and is part of the Program Development & Evaluation (PH 440) course series. These courses can be taken separately and in any sequence desired. The overall PH 440 series emphasizes practical perspectives on health planning, program development, and evaluation of public health programs. Emphasis is on the processes of assessing, planning, developing, budgeting, implementing, and evaluating public health programs.
Evidence Program Decisions PH 447 (Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center)
  This course was created by the Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center and is part of the Program Development & Evaluation (PH 440) course series. These courses can be taken separately and in any sequence desired. The overall PH 440 series emphasizes practical perspectives on health planning, program development, and evaluation of public health programs. Emphasis is on the processes of assessing, planning, developing, budgeting, implementing, and evaluating public health programs.
Community Agenda Setting PH 425 (Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center)
  This course was created by the Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center and is part of the Community Health Assessment (PH 420) course series. These courses can be taken separately and in any sequence desired. The overall PH 420 series covers the public health function of assessment. Content includes measurement of selected determinants of community health status and use of health services, identifying community assets, selecting appropriate qualitative or quantitative tools, maximizing community participation, ethical issues in use of power and authority, capacity-building and consultation in the community and moving from aggregate or state level data to a smaller, defined population.
Related Tools:
Free Online Strategic Planner (Planware)
  This website provides free online templates that can be copied into Word: Strategic Plan On-Line: Business Strategy, Strategic Planners, Strategic Plans, Mission Statements, Vision, SWOTs, Strategies, Strategy Development, Business Plan, Business Planning, Business Planner, Business Plan Software, Business Plan Template, and Samples.
Best Practices: Strategic Planning (Foundation for Community Association Research)
  This 26 page document covers anticipated outcomes of the Best Practices project including: documented criteria for function-specific best practices; case studies of community associations that have demonstrated successes in specific areas; and the development of a showcase on community excellence.
Model to Measure our Success: How Goals, Focus Areas, Measures, & Strategies Fit Together (Healthy Delaware 2010)
  This tool provides a "fill in the blank" template to serve as a model to measure success by communicating how goals, focus areas, measures and strategies fit together.
State Program Evaluation Guides: Writing SMART Objectives (CDC)
  This guide describes the components of a SMART objective and provides examples. The evaluation guide Writing SMART Objectives is aimed at helping states develop realistic and measurable objectives. This guide describes the components of a SMART objective and provides examples. An exercise at the end offers an opportunity to work through the development of SMART objectives. We will appreciate your comments on the utility and applicability of this guide.