Office of Epidemiology and Health Systems Development

Illinois Center for Health Statistics
Database and Datafile Resource Guide


The Illinois Center of Health Statistics hopes this web document will be useful to each of you already using data and to others that may be contemplating use of data for other research projects.

The words datafile, dataset, and database are used interchangeably throughout this document and always refer to the collection of data elements (variables), not the data itself, that are collected, stored and retrievable in a given program or project database. Datafiles include both computerized data and data recorded on paper. All datasets used in the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) are included in this document with the exception of the divisions of Budget, Personnel, Legal and Information Technology. There may be some however, that were not reported to us.

The Database and Datafile Resource Guide (DDRG) shows the data elements as reported to us. Abbreviations are those provided by the person(s) submitting the information. Editing has been limited to formatting and spelling.


The purpose of the Database and Datafile Resource Guide is to provide a single document where a comprehensive listing of data elements (variables) and data sources used within IDPH can be found. It is designed to serve as a resource guide to all who need to use or gain knowledge about the collection of data elements from a given database or datafile.


The DDRG web pages represent a compendium of currently used dataset descriptions that have been provided to us by the IDPH Division Chiefs. There are 158 programs listed on 8 pages. The database descriptions are listed alphabetically by database titles. In addition to the description of each datafile, there is a brief listing of the: division, purpose, contact person, telephone number, process for accessing data, restrictions to the use of data, reports generated, and a link to the listing of the data elements.


DDRG Database
To view the DDRG database:
  Display records per page,
1. Click on the View button to view the DDRG database. This will provide a listing of the IDPH databases. The default listing is sorted by the database title.

2. Click on any column title and the list will be sorted alphabetically on that column.

3. To view the associated data elements, click on the term ‘Data Elements’ in the last column.

4. You also can search for a desired database. Searches are started by listing in the box "Search For:", the data element(s) you wish to find and clicking on one of the two choices. The first choice "Any of these Words" will bring up all databases which contain any data elements that match one of the words in the search parameter you entered. To narrow the search, click on the second choice "Exact Phrase" which will bring up those databases that contain phrases identical to the search parameter.

For general information about the DDRG, contact:

Richard L. Fox, Ed.D., Assistant Chief, Illinois Center for Health Statistics 525 West Jefferson Street, Springfield, Illinois 62761 Telephone (217) 785-1064, TTY (hearing impaired use only) (800) 547-0466.

For questions regarding a particular database, please call the listed contact phone number.
Database last updated: 9/10/2003 4:41:58 PM

idph online home
Illinois Department of Public Health
535 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, Illinois 62761
Phone 217-782-4977
Fax 217-782-3987
TTY 800-547-0466