All chemicals and cleaners used by the school should be properly labeled and stored. Keep chemicals in a secure, locked area to reduce unwanted access.
Drain trap
Sewer gas problems can occur if drain traps are not properly maintained. Hydrogen sulfide gas (smells like rotten eggs) and ammonia, which are toxic and have an awful odor, can be released. Sewer gas problems can be eliminated on a short-term basis by periodically pouring water into the drain trap. If a drain is not going to be used, it should be capped.
MSDS binder
Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are required by law for every chemical that the school stores or uses. MSDSs contain information about the chemical and safety related information. It is a good idea to not only have a copy of the MSDSs in the area where the chemicals are used, but also in another location (such as the administrative office or nurse’s office) so that the MSDSs can be referenced if an accident occurs.
Map showing shut-off valves
If an accident occurs at the school, it is important to know the location of the main shut-off valves for water, electricity and gas. Knowing how to quickly reach the shut-off valves can reduce the risk of additional injuries if an accident occurs.
Chart for all emergency numbers
If an accident occurs in the school, quick access to emergency numbers is essential. Posting them in multiple locations is always a good idea.
Personal protective equipment
It is important to wear the proper personal protective equipment when working with chemicals and cleaners. Goggles, gloves, aprons and lab coats reduce the risk of accidents and chemical exposures.
Measuring cup
Whenever chemicals need to be mixed, it is important to accurately measure all of the parts. A measuring cup or dispensing device should always be used when mixing cleaning chemicals or other types of chemicals.
Glue traps
Use of glue traps is a common way to detect cockroaches. Glue traps should be placed behind kitchen appliances and in cabinets, supply rooms and similar locations. Glue traps are not intended to control, but rather to detect where the cockroaches might be. This can help target control measures.