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Data Description Data Dictionary Query Form |
![]() The Illinois Traffic Crash Report Form is used to report traffic crashes that occur within Illinois. The officer at the scene of the crash incident completes the report. The investigating police agency is then required to forward a copy of the completed report to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) if the crash involved death, injury and/or damage to any vehicle or property that exceeds a certain amount§. The traffic crash database provides information on the frequency and severity of crashes within the state, demographic characteristics of individuals involved in crashes as well as weather, lighting or other related conditions associated with the crash incident. § Note: Until 2008, the threshold for property damage was $500. Effective January 1, 2009, the threshold increased to $1,500 when all drivers are insured. However, if any driver does not have insurance, the threshold remains $500 (Illinois Traffic Crash Report SR 1050: Instruction Manual, p.6).
In addition, Cook County data for 1997 through 1999 are limited. Only a fraction of the crashes that occurred in the City of Chicago are represented in the database during this time period. In 2004, IDOT began implementing the Crash Information System (CIS), which is a new relational database management system. This system supports continuous updates to their data. For a given calendar year, crash reports will continue to be entered into the system regardless of the lag time between the crash event and electronic data entry. This ensures database completeness from a management perspective; however, users should be aware that the numbers obtained through the EMS Data Reporting System may be slightly different than totals published by others. Totals may vary depending upon the date that data was obtained from IDOT. As noted above, in 2009 the threshold criteria for reporting Property Damage Only crashes was increased from $500 to $1,500 (if all involved drivers are insured). This change in law precludes comparison of 2009 and later Property Damage Only crashes and Total crashes with such crashes for previous years. This change did not affect the reporting of injury or fatal crashes.
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