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This interactive data system supports querying of five statewide databases, providing health related descriptive information at the state, EMS region, county and local level. These databases include the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Death Certificate Database, IDPH Prehospital Run Report Database, IDPH Trauma Registry Database, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Traffic Crash Database and the Illinois Hospital & HealthSystems Association (IHHA) Hospital Discharge Database.
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The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is a state agency created in 1983 to promote community safety by providing public policymakers, criminal justice professionals and others with information, tools and technology needed to make effective decisions that improve the quality of criminal justice in Illinois. Since 1989, the Authority's Research and Analysis Unit has received federal funds to document the extent and nature of drug and violent crime in Illinois and the criminal justice system's response to these offenses. As a result, the Authority has developed profiles of the criminal justice system for each county in Illinois. The information presented in this profile has been provided to the Authority by the Illinois State Police, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, the Illinois Department of Corrections and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Go directly to Illinois County Profiles Online.
The Toolkit to End Violence Against Women developed by the National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women, which is co-chaired by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, was designed to assist individuals, policy leaders and community efforts to end violence against women. Comprised of 16 chapters, the Toolkit offers best practices and other recommendations to assist localities in a web-based, easily accessible, user-friendly format to help readers pinpoint areas of interest.