Illinois Department of
Public Health

Illinois Project for
Local Assessment of Needs
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Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs

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Select Query Filters

Note:  Choosing a filter or a combination of filters will result in a subset of all priorities.   View Diagram

Select IPLAN Round
For multiple selection, click and drag until both rounds are selected or hold down the control key (ctrl) and click on the desired round numbers.
Select Health Department(s)
For multiple selection, hold down the control key (ctrl) and click on desired Department. Select "< All >" for all health departments.
Select "< All >", one specific or a combination of regions.

Select Submitted Priority Name(s)
For multiple selection, hold down the control key (ctrl) and click on desired priorities. The priorities listed are those submitted by local health departments for the round(s) selected at the top of the page. Select "< All >" for no restriction.

Enter a search term
For multiple search terms, separate terms with a comma and a space. Example: cancer, heart disease
Select fields to search
To search in a specific field, check corresponding box. This is only used if a search term is entered. At least one box must be checked.
Priority Name Outcome Objective
Impact Objective Intervention Strategies

Select sort order (optional)
1st order)  

2nd order)  

3rd order)  
Select Report