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IPLAN Training
IPLAN Training
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2024 Illinois IPLAN Training Webinar Series Topics
IPLAN Basics: IPLAN Basics covers the substantial compliance components of the IPLAN process based on APEX-PH, including the core components - Community Health Assessment, Community Health Improvement Plan, and Organizational Capacity Assessment.
Created August 22, 2024, as part of the 2024 IPLAN webinar series and in collaboration with the Illinois Public Health Institute funded by IDPH from the Community Health Assessment and Planning Grant – 2024.
MAPP 2.0 Overview: This overview of Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships provides a dive into the newly released MAPP 2.0 sharing the core changes from the previous iteration and alignment with the IPLAN requirements.
Created September 26, 2024, as part of the 2024 IPLAN webinar series and in collaboration with the Illinois Public Health Institute, funded by IDPH from the Community Health Assessment and Planning Grant - 2024.
Integrating Health and Racial Equity into the IPLAN Process: This webinar focuses on helping participants integrate a health and racial equity approach into the Community Health Assessment and Improvement planning, CHA/CHIP. The session focuses on practices, tools, and methods to purposefully center equity into the CHA/CHIP process for improved outcomes.
Created October 24, 2024, as part of the 2024 IPLAN webinar series and in collaboration with the Illinois Public Health Institute funded by IDPH from the Community Health Assessment and Planning Grant – 2024.
Quality Improvement: QI covers key concepts and techniques that apply to continuous improvement processes. This session focuses on quality improvement, quality planning, and performance management approaches to support action planning in the IPLAN process.
Created November 21, 2024, as part of the 2024 IPLAN webinar series and in collaboration with the Illinois Public Health Institute funded by IDPH from the Community Health Assessment and Planning Grant - 2024.
Measuring Community Health Improvement Implementation 09/03/2013
In this time of limited resources, it is becoming increasingly important that we are able to demonstrate the impact of our work. Of equal importance is documenting the processes we collectively take toward achieving this impact. IPLAN requires that health departments include measureable outcome and impact objectives for each health priority selected in their
Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIP). Because impact and outcome objectives often take a substantial amount of time and resources to show results, process measures can help provide accountability and ensure that implementation plans are on track to meet goals. This webinar discusses how health departments can monitor progress and measure results in a meaningful way by developing good impact and outcome measures to document success, and process measures to track achievements along the way. The training covers tools such as logic models that can facilitate development of a strong plan as well as a good monitoring and evaluation process. Participants will learn how to integrate these tools and processes throughout Community Health Improvement Planning and Implementation. The training explores how documenting, understanding, and demonstrating achievements can result in a more robust CHIP and better equip community health improvement planners to measure and achieve success in the implementation phase.
Click 2013-08-20 13.33 Measuring Community Health Improvement Implementation.wmv to download the Web-conference file (77.5 MB). The session is approximately 90 minutes in length. To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (964 KB). To print the handout for this webinar, click here.
If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Kristin Monnard, Program Assistant, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Kristin.Monnard@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Partnering for CHNA and IPLAN 08/02/2013
According to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Section 501(r) (3) requires non-profit hospitals to conduct a CHNA at least once every three years and adopt an implementation strategy to meet the community health needs identified through the CHNA. The CHNA must take into account input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community served by the hospital facility, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health.
Likewise, certified local health departments in Illinois are required to conduct a community health assessment and community health improvement plan, or IPLAN, every 5 years. Local health departments in Illinois have a long history of inviting hospitals to sit at the table during this assessment and planning process to contribute data, analyze issues and provide input into selecting priorities and strategies to address health problems and issues.
During this session, participants will explore the common requirements, differences, opportunities for partnership and potential barriers for partnership and how to overcome them. The webinar will focus on exploring the partnership development process including essentials for successful partnerships, guidance for developing a shared mission, vision and values to guide the CHNA/IPLAN, defining a shared community and formalizing partnership agreements. We will hear from a community that has formed successful partnerships to lead the community health assessment and planning activities resulting in collaborative implementation.
Click Partnering with Hospitals for CHNA & IPLAN 7-23-13 1.32 PM.mov to download the Web-conference file. The session is approximately 90 minutes in length. To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.2 MB). To print the handout for this webinar, click here.
If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Kristin Monnard, Program Assistant, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Kristin.Monnard@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Developing a Health Department Strategic Plan: Organizational Capacity Assessment 02/26/2013
This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the strategic planning process including how-to tips and tools as well as examples from other health department strategic planning processes. While this webinar is targeted to health departments, it offers valuable information on the strategic planning process for non-profit organizations as well. Participants will leave the webinar with resources and step-by-step process to develop an organizational strategic plan that meets state and national guidelines.
Click Organizational Capacity Assessment through Local Health Department Strategic Planning to download the Web-conference file. To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (541 KB).
If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Turning Data into Information, Part 2 03/20/2013
The two-part "Turning Data into Information" webinar will share practical approaches and resources for local health departments (LHDs) related to data analysis, interpretation and presentation. This introduction to public health data analysis will focus on how to turn raw community health assessment data into useful information and using data to tell a story.
Part 2 is intended to provide useful information and resources to LHDs across Illinois with a range of experience and capacity related to data analysis and interpretation. Presenters will discuss best practices for presenting data in ways that are easy to understand and tell the community's story for the range of IPLAN audiences, and particularly for community members. Part 2 will also explore several strategies for engaging community members and methods for integrating community input throughout the IPLAN process.
Click Turning Data into Information, Part 2 to download the Web-conference file. To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (710 KB). To print a copy of the handout materials, click here (342 KB).
If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Turning Data into Information, Part 1 02/22/2013
The two-part "Turning Data into Information" webinar will share practical approaches and resources for local health departments (LHDs) related to data analysis, interpretation and presentation. This introduction to public health data analysis will focus on how to turn raw community health assessment data into useful information and using data to tell a story.
Part 1 is specifically directed to local health departments with limited expertise in data analysis and epidemiology. Presenters will review basic data concepts including selecting indicators, and analyzing, interpreting and summarizing public health data. Part 1 will also explore several important data sources that LHDs can integrate into their IPLAN assessment and planning. Presenters will also provide some basic information on best practices for presenting data to community members and other stakeholders (a topic to be covered more in-depth in Part 2).
Click Turning Data into Information, Part 1 to download the Web-conference file. The session is approximately 60 minutes in length. To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (4.5 MB). To print the handout for this webinar, click here (342 KB).
If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Engaging Communities and the Media 04/05/2011 04/21/2011
This Webinar focuses on the required components for the IPLAN submission. The presenters will review each required component and the specific needs for the written document. This training will focus on actually pulling all your work together and writing your IPLAN to meet the certification requirements for IPLAN reviewers and also for your other potential audiences; rather than teaching how to conduct IPLAN or how to complete the components for the IPLAN process. (Refer to the IPLAN Basics Webinar to learn more about the IPLAN process.) If you are new to the responsibility of compiling and submitting IPLAN or need a refresher, this session is for you. Presenters include the IDPH IPLAN Administrator, Tom Szpyrka and IPHI's Director of the Center for Community Capacity Development, Laurie call.
Right-click Engaging Communities and the Media 4.14.11.wrf to download the Web-conference file (16.6 MB). The session is approximately 105 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (586 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (7.4 MB).
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenter, right-click on Engaging the Community and the Media Q and A- 3-14-11.wma (21.7 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Putting it All Together: Writing Your IPLAN 03/25/2011 04/05/2011
This Webinar focuses on the required components for the IPLAN submission. The presenters will review each required component and the specific needs for the written document. This training will focus on actually pulling all your work together and writing your IPLAN to meet the certification requirements for IPLAN reviewers and also for your other potential audiences; rather than teaching how to conduct IPLAN or how to complete the components for the IPLAN process. (Refer to the IPLAN Basics Webinar to learn more about the IPLAN process.) If you are new to the responsibility of compiling and submitting IPLAN or need a refresher, this session is for you. Presenters include the IDPH IPLAN Administrator, Tom Szpyrka and IPHI's Director of the Center for Community Capacity Development, Laurie call.
Right-click Putting It All Together IPLAN.wrf to download the Web-conference file (15 MB). The session is 59 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (750 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.3 MB).
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on Putting It All Together Q and A Session 3.29.11.wma (23.9 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Tom Szpyrka at Tom.Szpyrka@illinois.gov or Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute at Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be responded to as promptly as possible.
Turning Data into Information 09/15/2010
This workshop will focus on practical skills to enhance the participants' ability to turn data into information that can inform public health planning processes. The workshop will begin with a refresher on statistical concepts and terms and progress to exploring methods for clearly presenting data to maximize informational content. A primary focus will be on techniques to graphically display data for communicating information. This session is presented by Mark Edgar, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Public Health Policy at the University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS).
Right-click Turning Data Into Info Webinar 9.2.10.wrf to download the Web-conference file (44 MB). The session is 1 hour and 31 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only) which is listed as the last link in the second paragraph. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer. Please note, this is a very large file so downloading may take some time. Please be patient.
To pause the recording anytime during viewing, press the pause button on the player where indicated in the webinar. Click it again to resume in the same place you originally paused in the recording. You may also use the fast-forward or rewind key to move the recording.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (400 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (688 KB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site or under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenter, right-click on "Turning Data Into Info Q and A.wma" (13.4 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
Moving From Stakeholder Engagement To Ownership And Accountability 06/29/2010 07/02/2010
Public health is, by its very nature, community-driven. Even the best media campaigns and evidence-based practices will fail in the absence of community stakeholder support. We have learned and embraced the importance of engaging stakeholders and partners in our work. Despite this knowledge, we sometimes fall short of making the most of those key partnerships. Whether you are trying to move from "warm bodies at the table" and verbal commitments of support to meaningful engagement and agreement or even meaningful engagement to action and accountability, this session will help you assess the effectiveness of your coalitions and committees and develop a plan to move forward. This session is presented by Kim McCoy, BA, MS, MPH, a Community Health Planner at the Minnesota Department of Health.
Right-click Community Engagement Webinar 6.23.10.wrf to download the Web-conference file (68.8 MB). The session is approximately 1 hour and 49 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only) which is listed as the last link in the second paragraph. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer. Please note, this is a very large file so downloading may take some time. Please be patient.
Please plan 2 hours to fully view this broadcast and pause for individual thinking and/or discussion. To pause the recording, press the pause button on the player where indicated in the webinar. Click it again to resume in the same place you originally paused in the recording.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (3.28 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.76 MB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site or under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on "IPLAN Community Engagement Q and A June 30 2010.wma" (19 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
Adapting Evidence-Based Programs to Meet Local Needs 05/17/2010
As we strive to meet program outcomes as efficiently and effectively as possible, we turn to evidence-based models and programs. While the recipe, or the evidence-based model, may have proven results in one community-how do we know we can produce the same results in our local community? How do we identify the essential ingredients when we are trying to adapt a model to suit local cultural needs?" In this workshop, presenters will define "evidence-based" and differentiate the commonly interchanged terminology associated with evidence-based. Presenters will also share resources on where to find and how to select evidence-based programs and strategies for various population-based public health issues. In addition, program fidelity and identifying and addressing cultural needs will be explored in order to understand how to balance both. Finally, presenters will share how important process data can be to ensure the program is on track for producing intended outcomes.. Presenters include Mark Edgar, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS), and Laurie Call, BA, Director of the Illinois Public Health Institute Center for Community Capacity Development.
Right-click Adapting EBP Webinar 5.5.10.wrf to download the Web-conference file (15.8 MB). The session is approximately 58 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (2.86 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (3.86 MB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on " Adapting EBP Q and A 5-14-10.wma" (23 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
Measuring and Documenting Program Effectiveness 04/22/2010
Many health departments struggle with finding the time, resources and support for conducting basic program level evaluation. This session will emphasize the importance and rationale for conducting various types of evaluation at the local level. Key evaluation principles will be reviewed as well as how to apply the CDC evaluation framework for planning, and program evaluation. This session serves as the fourth training in a series of program planning and evaluation workshops led by IPHI and sponsored by IDPH which include: Developing Logic Models to Plan, Communicate and Evaluate, Developing Outcome Measurement Plans and The Basics of Program Evaluation. Presenters include Mary Davis, DrPH, MSPH, Director of Evaluation Services at the North Carolina Institute for Public Health and adjunct faculty at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and Deena Mosbarger, HR / Special Projects Coordinator for the Clay County Health Department in Flora, Illinois.
Right-click Measuring and Doc Program Eff Webinar 4.27.10.wrf to download the Web-conference file (17.9 MB). The session is approximately 74 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (2.25 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (4.09 MB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
Framework for Creating a Community Plan to Target Obesity 12/28/2009
This webinar will provide an introduction to the scope and reality of obesity in Illinois and the social ecological model as the basis for targeting the issue. We'll explore the development of a community stakeholder team to conduct the assessment and plan and the data and information needed to conduct the assessment. We will describe the other components of the Framework and share resources to learn more. Presenters include Adam B. Becker, PhD, Executive Director of the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC); Angie Bailey, MPH, M.S.Ed., CHES, Director of Health Education and Public Information Officer of Jackson County Health Department; and Jeffrey C. Sunderlin, MS., ATC, Program Manager, YMCA-USA Healthier Communities Initiative Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities.
Right-click Obesity Planning Webinar 12.21.09.wrf to download the Web-conference file (14.7 MB). The session is approximately 67 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the 'Player Only for Windows' (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (2.45 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.18 MB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on " Obesity Framework Q and A Session" (19.5 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
Local Public Health System Assessment Participant Orientation 9/11/2009
This Webinar is designed as an orientation Webinar for local public health system partners as they prepare to participate in the Local Public Health Performance Standards Assessment (LPHSA) as part of their community health assessment and planning process. During the Webinar, participants will learn about the National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) and review the 10 Essential Public Health Services that the assessment measures. Participants will explore the LPHSA tool, how the assessment will be administered during a local retreat and potential benefits from this type of work. Guidance on how to prepare for participating in the local assessment retreat and key questions to consider throughout the Webinar will be provided also.
Webinar Moderator: Laurie Call, Director, Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute
Presenters: Teresa Daub, Public Health Advisor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Heidi Deutsch, Program Manager II, National Association of County and City Health Officials
Right-click LPHSA Orientation.wrf to download the Webinar file (17 MB). To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.29 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (5.34 MB).
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 17. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org. Click on Center for Community Capacity Development > Consultation Services.
After viewing the webinar, please complete the short feedback survey posted here.
Health Marketing: A Solution to Many Public Health Challenges 6/5/2009
This webinar will focus on health marketing solutions. During the session, the fundamentals of health marketing will be discussed along with specific examples of how health marketing has been used to address many public health challenges in one community. Presenters include Ricardo Wray, Associate Professor of Community Health at St. Louis University School of Public Health and Amy Yeager, Health Promotion Manager at the Madison County Health Department.
Right-click Health Marketing Webinar.wrf to download the Web-conference file (17.1 MB). The session is 66 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the ‘Player Only for Windows’ (for PCs only). The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (546KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.87 MB). If you do not want to print in color, you may print the slides in grayscale under the properties tab in print mode. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on “Health Marketing Q and A Session.wma” (20.8 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click here.
Public Health Quality Improvement Webinars 10/23/2009
These webinars are part of the Multi-State Learning Collaborative: Lead States in Public Health Quality Improvement grant in Illinois. Eleven Illinois local health departments are participating in one of two Mini-Learning Collaboratives led by the Illinois Public Health Institute Center for Community Capacity Development. One collaborative, or Target Area Group (TAG), is focused on Quality Improvement with Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP), and the other is focused on Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease (CD). Each TAG has a monthly Technical Assistance webinar that is recorded and posted here for viewing by any local health department or community health partner who is interested in learning more about QI or the focus area. Webinars are recorded monthly and focus on either QI tools (presented by a nationally recognized QI expert) or the specific TAG focus: Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP), or Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease (CD).
October 6, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinars
To view and listen to the following sessions, you must first download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. Download the Meeting Service Recorder, Player and Recording Editor. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
Community Health Improvement Planning - facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: [QI CHIP 10.6.09 Webinar.wrf] (27.4 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.84 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.24 MB)
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: [CD QI Webinar 10.6.09.wrf] (23.8 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.97 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.28 MB)
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 17. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org.
September 1, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinars
To view and listen to the following sessions, you must first download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
Community Health Improvement Planning - PARTNER Tool Presentation, Dr. Danielle Varda, University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs, Colorado School of Public Health: [CHIP TAG Webinar 9.1.09.wrf] (34.69 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.33 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (2.5 MB)
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - Breastfeeding: Critical Strategy for Health Presentation, Rachel Abramson, RN, MS, IBCLC, HealthConnect One: [CD TAG Webinar 9.1.09.wrf] (20.77 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (0.69 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1.29 MB)
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 17. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org.
August 4, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinars
To view and listen to the following sessions, you must first download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
Community Health Improvement Planning - facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: [August 4, 2009 CHIP TAG QI Webinar.wrf] (31.75 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (.33 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (.65 MB)
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: [August 4, 2009 CD QI Webinar.wrf] (17.04 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (.33 MB)
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (.84 MB)
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 13. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org.
July 7, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinars
To view and listen to the sessions, please verify that you have Windows Media Player installed on your computer. You can download it for free here. Choose either the PC or Mac version according to your type of computer/operating system.
You must also download the Live Meeting Replay Wrapper, which can be found here. The Wrapper must be downloaded prior to opening the .WMV file. The file will not play without the Wrapper being downloaded on your computer.
Play the file by clicking "Run" or "Open" when prompted. Playback will start automatically.
Community Health Improvement Planning: Collaborative Leadership Presentation, Pam Gillam: CHIP TAG Live Meeting webinar 7.7.09.wmv (11.6 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (.75 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (.70 MB).
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease: The OrganWise Guys, Dr. Michelle Lombardo & Dr. Danielle Hollar: CD TAG Live Meeting webinar 7.7.09.wmv (9.9 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (10 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (26 MB).
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 13. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org.
To view and listen to the following sessions, you must first download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
June 2, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinars
Community Health Improvement Planning – facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: QI CHIP Webinar 6.2.09.wrf (26.2 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (.94 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1.19 MB).
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - facilitated by Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: QI CD TAG Webinar 6.2.09 wrf (25.53 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.23 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1.63 MB).
April 7, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinar on QI Tools for Problem Analysis
Community Health Improvement Planning - Identifying Driving Forces and Restraints for Change, Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: CHIP TAG QI Webinar 4.7.09.wrf (24.6 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.28 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1.93 MB).
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - Identifying Root Cause for Chronic Disease, Marni Mason, MCPP Healthcare Consulting: CD Webinar 4.7.09.wrf (30 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (1.39 MB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1.27 MB).
May 5, 2009 QI Collaborative Webinar on CHIP and CD
Community Health Improvement Planning - Overcoming CHIP Challenges Through Quality Improvement- Julia Joh Elligers, NACCHO: CHIP QI Webinar May 5 2009.wrf (21.9 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (117 KB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (486 KB).
Preventable Risk Factors for Chronic Disease - Addressing Childhood Obesity in Chicago Children- Dr. Adam Becker, CLOCC: CD Webinar May 5, 2009.wrf (18.3 MB)
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (383 KB).
If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (957 KB).
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 13. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site at www.iphionline.org.
Successful Worksite Wellness to Reduce Risk Factors for Chronic Disease (Web Conference) 5/11/2009
When it comes to worksite wellness, yesterday’s assumption was that health is a cost driver. Initiatives to improve employee health were primarily a strategy for controlling a top-line expense. Today’s reality has taught us that health is a performance driver. Investing in health not only controls expenses, but also protects, supports, and enhances human capital. Worksite wellness is not only a public health issue but is fundamental to an employer’s healthier bottom line. In this session we will discuss the many attractive benefits to employers for successful worksite wellness. Presenters are Robert J. Keller, Director, McLean County (IL) Health Department and Debra Siena, Vice President, Proactive Partners.
Right-click Worksite Wellness Webinar 5.6.09.wrf to download the Web-conference file (16.9 MB). The session is 70 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (257 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (1 MB).
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on WorksiteWellnessQandASession5.14.09.wma (20.5 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
For assistance with accessing files and troubleshooting, please call the Illinois Public Health Institute at (312) 850-4744, ext. 13. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
A Solution-Oriented Approach for Access to Rural Mental Health Care 4/1/2009
This webinar will focus on exploring access to mental health care in rural communities. During the session, the challenges and barriers of providing mental health service access over large and sparsely populated geographic areas will be described. Presenters include Jordan Litvak, Executive Director, Regions 3 & 4, Illinois Dept. of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Gail Ripka, Administrator, Henry and Stark County Health Departments. Right-click RuralAccessToMHWebinar4.6.09.wrf to download the Web-conference file (18.3 MB). The session is 70 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the AT & T Meeting Service Player, which can be found here. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the .WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (2.9 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (3.7 MB). Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's web site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on "Q and A for Rural Access to Mental Health Care.wma” (18.9 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click here.
Introduction to the National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) State Assessment 3/12/2009
IDPH-sponsored webinar for participants of the NPHPSP Assessment Retreat
This Web conference is intended to orient participants of the National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) State Assessment to be conducted at the March 23 retreat co-convened by IDPH and the State Board of Health. This basic introduction provides an overview of the NPHPSP program, introduces the concepts underlying the state assessment including the four model standards and 10 essential public health services as the framework for assessment, and orients participants to the assessment process.
Presenters include Teresa Daub, Public Health Advisor, Office of the Chief of Public Health Practice at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Laura Landrum, NPHPSP Program Consultant, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO); with an introduction and retreat preview by Elissa J. Bassler, Chief Executive Officer for the Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI).
To access the webinar, right-click NPHPSP-Retreat-Orientation.wmv and choose "Save Target As..." to download the Web conference file to your local hard disk (11.1 MB). You must have Windows Media Player on your computer to view and listen to the session (click "Start", then search your programs to find Windows Media Player. The program is included in Vista and other Microsoft operating systems). If you do not have Windows Media Player, click here to download a copy. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. The session is 61 minutes in length. Please contact Kathy Tipton at 312-850-4744 ext 13 or kathy.tipton@iphionline.org if you cannot access the webinar after following these instructions.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here (7 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here (10.5 MB).
After viewing this session, please complete our online survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions.
Youth Substance Abuse Prevention 9/17/2008
This Web-conference is intended as a basic introduction to youth substance abuse prevention and two realistic strategies that can be implemented by local health departments and other community based organizations and groups with great success. The session provides an overview of substance abuse prevention, the strategic prevention framework, evidence based strategies and resources for substance abuse prevention work. Presenters include Kim Fornero – Illinois Department of Human Services, Mary Ellen Shannon – Prevention First, Anne Cox – Illinois Department of Human Services and Liz Nelson – Lake County Health Department.
Right-click FinalSubstanceAbusePreventionWebConference.wrf to download the Web-conference file (18 MB). The session is 101 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click 3PerPageHandoutsSAPrev_Web_Conf_Slides_9_5_08.pdf (0.9 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click FullPageSlidesSAPrev_Web_Conf_9_5_08.pdf (2 MB).
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on “SAPreventionWebConf Q and A.wma” (12 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click
take survey.
IPLAN Basics 9/12/2008
This Web-conference is intended as a basic introduction to IPLAN. The session provides an overview of the history, Certified Local Health Department Code, the components of IPLAN and common mistakes made with IPLAN submissions to IDPH. Presenters include Tom Szpyrka - Illinois Department of Public Health, Angie Bailey - Jackson County Health Department, Michele Fishburn - Knox County Health Department and Amy J. Yeager - Madison County Health Department.
Right-click FinalIPLANBasicsWebConf.wrf to download the Web-conference file (20.8 MB). The session is 58 minutes in length. To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click 3perPageSlidesasHandoutsIPLAN_Basics_Web_Cast9.08.pdf (1.1 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click FullPageSlidesIPLAN_Basics_Web_Cast9.08.pdf (3 MB).
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click
take survey.
Survey Basics: Designing and Administering Useful Surveys 8/25/2008
This Web-conference is intended as a basic introduction to designing and administering surveys. The session provides an introduction to using the web-based Survey Monkey tool to develop and administer surveys also. The session is presented by Chris Giangreco, PhD who serves as a consultant to the Illinois Public Health Institute.
Right-click SurveyBasics.wrf to download the Web-conference file (one hour and 35 minutes video, 22.6 MB file size, 8/22/2008). To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click 3PerPageHandoutsofSlidesSurvey_Basics.pdf (464 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click FullPageSlidesSurvey_Basics.pdf (1.1 MB).
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenter, right-click on 8.27.08SurveyBasics_QandA_Session.wma(19.7 MB) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenter, you may email them to Laurie Call, Director - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the presenter for a response to you directly.
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click
take survey.
Lung Cancer: An Overview of the Disease and Prevention 7/29/2008
This Web-conference recording is the third in a series of sessions designed to provide information on the most commonly selected health priorities in round 3 of the local health department certification process. This session, focused on lung cancer disease and prevention, is presented by Beth Phelps of Southern Illinois University Simmons Cooper Cancer Institute, Julie Doetsch of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Lynda Preckwinkle and Angela Tin of the American Lung Association-Illinois, Babs Frederking of the Washington County Health Department and Barb Sorgatz, a lung cancer survivor and advocate.
Right-click LungCancerWebConf.wrf to download the Web-conference file (90 minutes video, 31.2 MB file size, 7/22/2008). To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click Grayscale3PerPageHandouts Lung Cancer Slides.pdf (2 MB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click Final Lung Cancer Full Slides.pdf (7 MB). In addition, you may want to download this supplemental handout from the Illinois Department of Public Health for easier viewing. Click IDPH Map HandoutSmokerPrev_R3_BRFSS[1].pdf. Additional resources and links can be found on the Illinois Public Health Institute's Web-site under the Center for Community Capacity Development tab at www.iphionline.org.
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click
take survey.
Hypertenstion and Prevention in the Community
This Web-conference recording is the second in a series of sessions designed to provide information on the most commonly selected health priorities in round 3 of the local health department certification process. This session, focused on cardio vascular health and heart disease prevention, is presented by Danny Brikshavana of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Peggy Jones with the American Heart Association, Joe Harrington and Ruth Slaughter of the Chicago Department of Public Health, Jan Morris of McLean County Health Department and Carrie Titus of Henry and Stark County Health Departments. The session is one hour and 11 minutes in length.
Right-click FINAL CV Web Conf.wrf to download the Web-conference file (one hour and 11 minutes video, 19.2 MB file size). To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded on your computer. When you click on the link to download the Meeting Player, select 'Download player only for Windows'.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click 3perPageSlideHandoutsHypertentionWebConf.pdf (570 KB). If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click Full Page Slides Hypertenstion WebConf.pdf (1.5 MB). In addition, you may want to download this supplemental handout from the Illinois Department of Public Health for easier viewing. Click IDPH Handouts MAPs.pdf (375 KB).
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click take survey
MAPP Crosswalk tool
The MAPP crosswalk is intended to serve as a guide for Illinois local health departments who are using the equivalent process of MAPP for their IPLAN. This tool lists the Illinois requirements and standards for IPLAN and the MAPP components that meet the requirements. The tool also indicates any additional information you will need to submit to meet the IPLAN requirements. If you have any questions about this tool or how to use it, please Contact Us.
Click IPLAN IL Standards and MAPP Crosswalk.pdf (127 KB) to download the MAPP Crosswalk tool.
Realistic Strategies to Address Overweight/Obesity at the Local Level
This Web-conference recording is the first in a series of sessions designed to provide information on the most commonly selected health priorities in round 3 of the local health department certification process. This session is presented by Jeff Sunderlin, Jamie Gates and Jo Ambrose of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Marcy Zanellato and Nancy Bogle of the DeKalb County Health Department, Angie Bailey of the Jackson County Health Department, Mark Peters of the St. Clair County Health Department and Dr. Rita Arras of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Nursing.
Right-click ObesityWebConf.wrf to download the Web-conference file (one hour and 40 minutes video, 37.4 MB file size). To view and listen to the session, you must download the updated version of the Web-Ex Meeting Service Player, which can be found here: Meeting Service Player. The player must be downloaded and installed prior to opening the WRF file. The file will not play without the player being downloaded and installed on your computer.
To print a copy of the slides as handouts for note-taking, click here. If you prefer full page slides rather than the handout version, click here. In addition, you may want to download this supplemental handout from the Jackson County Health Department.
To listen to the Question and Answer Session with the presenters, right-click on Overweight-ObesityQA.mp3 (27 MB MP3 file) and choose "Save Target As..." to download the file to your local hard disk. After the download, you can click on the file to start listening. If you have any questions for the presenters, you may email them to Laurie Call, Coordinator - Center for Community Capacity Development, Illinois Public Health Institute. Laurie's email address is Laurie.Call@iphionline.org. All questions will be forwarded to the appropriate presenter for a response to you directly. In addition, a log will be maintained with all questions received for posting as an FAQ.
After viewing this session, please complete our on-line survey to give us feedback. All feedback will be used to improve future sessions. To access the survey, please click here.
Introduction to the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) process
This Web-conference, presented by Heidi Deutsch of NACCHO, will provide you with an overview of the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) tool. MAPP is a community strategic planning process designed to help local public health agencies and communities build a healthier community.
The Web-conference was held on March 13, 2008 and recorded for those who could not participate. The Web-conference is being offered as an introduction to the classroom-based training and should provide you with the information you need to determine if MAPP is right for you. If you plan to attend the two-day classroom-based training, we highly recommend you to view the Web-conference. To receive more information on the classroom-based training and to register to attend the training on May 13-14, 2008, visit the Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI) website at www.iphionline.org.
Right-click MAPP.wrf to download the MAPP Web-conference file (80 minutes video, 14 MB file size).
In order to view the MAPP Web-conference, you will need to download and install the Meeting Service Player.
IPLAN Work Groups Consolidated Meeting, Recommendations for Improving the IPLAN Process
An IPLAN Presentation -
(Adobe Acrobat PDF Document - 189 KB, June 12, 2002)
Healthy People 2020 Leading-Health-Indicators
Healthy Illinois 2021
Improving the Health of Your Community
An IPLAN Presentation -
(Adobe Acrobat PDF Document - 358 KB, February 26, 2002)
IPLAN Data System Quick Reference
(Adobe Acrobat PDF Document - 580 KB)
How to use SHARE
(Adobe Acrobat PDF Document - 2.3 MB)